Intel 670 3.8Ghz running at 4.2Ghz

I finally broke down and bought an expensive Intel 670 3.8Ghz CPU. In the past I have successfully overclocked cheaper CPU’s to their more expensive counterparts. Last year I overclocked a Intel 2.4Ghz to 3.2Ghz (I posted this CPU at 3.6Ghz ). Between the 670 and the 2.4Ghz I bought a Intel 630 3Ghz L2 2Mb HyperThreading (HT) CPU where I became found of the higher L2 cache and HT. I have bought the latest motherboard, RAM, Hard Drive,...

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Loading a SWF in Flex and with a FlashVar alternative

This blog is about, how to take a SWF that requires the use of FlashVars and integrate it into Flex through a Loader. Download code example here Old method: [html][/html] To load SWF’s in Flash MX or Flex you can use the mx.controls.Loader class. In Flex there is a tag. You would simply use the code below in a Flex mxml file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:Application...

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ColdFusion MX 7 and Verisign’s Payflow Pro

I tried to get Verisign’s Payflow Pro to work with ColdFusion MX 7 today. This blog was pretty close but I still had to contact Verisign’s support. Someone’s else blog on the subject It seemed there are a set off parameters that are required by the java class, and if they are not present you will see an error like: The system has attempted to use an undefined value, which usually indicates a programming error, either in...

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I am starting a blog for the first time. Keeping track of all the software development little things I learn will be my goal of this blog.

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