Adobe Creative SDK Update v0.5.2062

In the latest update to the Creative SDK released this week there are a few changes to look at. First the SDK now requires Xcode 6. There is also updates to various iOS 8 issues that are fixed now. The AdobeUXAssetBrowser class has a new method for launching the asset browser component. It has the method: - (void)popupFileBrowserWithParent:(id)parent        configuration:(id)configuration  ...

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Adobe Creative SDK

There has been a lot of announcements at Adobe MAX 2014. I have been busy working closely with the Adobe Creative SDK. I helped Threadless create their brand new Threadless Make iPad application that leverages the Adobe Creative SDK. The Creative SDK was made publicly available just yesterday. There are a other applications that worked with the beta SDK and have launched in the App Store. Here are few of them: Flowboard Fabrika App Concepts:...

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Live Texture Updater Plugin for Photoshop CC

Photoshop CC has a new Node.js based feature called Adobe Generator for Photoshop CC. What this means for developers is they can build plugins with Node.js libraries and JavaScript. I showed off how to do live texture updating of a three.js app using the standard Image Assets Adobe Generator for Photoshop CC plugin here. In this blog post and video I want to show off how a custom plugin called, Live Texture Updater, lets you have more control of...

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Live three.js Texture Updating with Photoshop CC

Check out the video below that explains how to live update textures in your three.js application using Adobe Generator for Photoshop CC. The source code for the example shown in the video is available at: you are wondering how I get three.js to update its texture check out this JavaScript code: /**  Author: Renaun Erickson @renaun...

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Cross Compiling your ActionScript Starling Games to WebGL and JavaScript

Want to see it in action? Check out the demo here: Summary Soure Code: Your Code + Starling Source + KontikiJS (WebGL/HTML5 implementation of Flash API) + Randori Guice Framework Feed to Compiler: Randori Compiler Output: JavaScript version of your code. Why have an ActionScript 3 to JavaScript Workflow The short answer is to give ActionScript 3 developers who have built Starling games a...

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Getting Text into a WebGL Texture

While working on KontikiJS I came across the need to be able to write formatted text into a texture to use with WebGL. You can do this in JavaScript with a bit of work. This is done with the Canvas’s fillText API. The trick is to measure what the text so you can create the Canvas with the right width and height.Here is a demo of what what I am talking about: There are 2 approaches to...

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