XrayLogger for AS3 (Alpha)

XrayLogger, or the connector for the Xray debugging console, for AS3 has an alpha code release.  You can find it here. Xray is a nice open source project found on OSFlash.org.  The definition of Xray from the OSFlash.org site: Xray (The AdminTool) is a “snapshot viewer” of the current state of your Flash application without impacting the performance or the file size of your application. Xray’s true nature is to look into...

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Flex 1.5 Panel’s titleStyleDeclaration default

The document for Flex 1.5 Panel attribute titleStyleDeclaration is a little mis-leading.  But to much of my surprise I found a nice tidbit in the description of the titleStyleDeclaration.  There is a default styleName for this attribute, which contridicts other statements on the Panel documentation page. The default value is “windowStyles”. Here is what it says in the top part of the...

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Flex 2 ASDoc Mini How-To

I didn’t think much of my use of ASDoc when I created my Flex 2 / FMS ConnectionMonitor component. But I guess usage of the ASDoc is not straight forward and some people might want an example of how to use it. You’ll find the ConnectionMonitor Component’s source and sample ASDoc documentation located here. 1. Grab the source and deploy it in a folder (ie: C:\renaun_com_FMS). 2. Make sure asdoc.exe in your cmd prompt path 3. ...

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Validatoring Forms in Flex 2

Validating forms are not my favorite thing to do in Flex 2. A lot of the process seems quite tedious. It is a big improvement over Flex 1.5, but typically you have to create the validators and then create a function to see if all the validators are valid/invalid. It seems the simple approach to validation would be to have the Form be aware of the Validators and provide and easy Bindable way of providing the state of validity for the...

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Flex 2 and FMS (ConnectionMonitor Component)

The Flex 2 / Flash Media Server 2 (FMS) Connection Monitor component provides real time stats on a FMS connection. The detailed stats include latency, up bandwidth, and down bandwidth. Connected a Camera instance to the class also monitors FPS. Here is a screenshot of the FMS and Flex components in action. Its pretty basic but is meant to be extend for somone’s specific needs. This does show how to use Flex 2 with FMS. There is a...

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