Official Now – Flash/Flex Developer for Adobe

I have made the official switch to Adobe land. I have the red badge now. I have been working as a contractor on a cool project in Adobe developing AS3/Flex classes and components for the past 2+ months. It is real fun and things are moving fast both job and personal wise, it will be hectic couple of months. I think as things settle down more I’ll have more perspective of what it really means to be an Adobe employee. But for now I am...

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Flexing PHP in php|architect, by Jeof Oyster

Its cool to see the Flex developer base grow more and more everyday. I came across a Flex and PHP article in the lastest php|architect magazine. The article is titled “Flexing PHP” and is by Jeof Oyster. If you read Jeof Oyster’s bio, he is a product manager for a financial services company and freelancer by night. This is a cool sign of the breadth of Flex developers and the rise in outside Adobe/Macromedia circles expose...

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Win $100,000 writing AIR apps

There is a new derby that is going along with the release of Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR). The prizes are just plain crazy. I haven’t seen a derby this big. The grand prize will be a trip of a lifetime worth up to $100,000. Their will also be 5 other category winners with a really nice prizes full of a newly loaded Mac Pro (8 core) and goodies to go along with it. Read for yourself… Too bad I can’t compete as I am...

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