ANT Task for using html-template’s index.template.html

I am constantly changing the default index.template.html in my Flex projects. This is quite nice, as you can even change the index.template.html to index.template.php and it will generate the file correctly. But in most cases I have ANT builds on the servers that do all the building. This is where I found the Flex ANT html-wrapper task falling short. The Flex ANT html-wrapper task does not let you use custom/modified template files. But...

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Speaking to KC user group on Cairngorm, Flex and ColdFusion

I will speaking to the Adobe RIA User Group in Kansas City. Here is the info: Tuesday, July 31st, 6:00PM to 8:30PM. Renaun Erickson via Acrobat Connect presents Cairngorm Micro Architecture for Flex and Model Locator Pattern at Centriq – 8700 State Line Road, Suite 200 – West side of State Line Road across from Ward Pkwy Shopping Center.

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AIR, Flex, LocalConnection and the mystery StatusEvent

I have had some code working for a while that stopped working with the latest build of Flex Builder 3 I installed. The code was an AIR application that received messages from arbitrary Flex applications using LocalConnection. The problem with LocalConnection and AIR is the inherent security issues that arise. AIR is on the desktop with no domain sandbox and the Flex apps usually are coming from application with domains. So typically I set...

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iPhoneDevCamp at Adobe was a hit

A fellow Adobe employee helped make a very successful iPhoneDevCamp happen over the last weekend. I would have loved to attend but I am in vegas waiting for a new addition to the family to arrive. Here are some of the highlights: Large group of iPhone owners Attendee’s thoughts LA Times Article on iPhone and dev camp in San Francisco Application created during the hack-a-thon Top 10 Apps created that...

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