AIR for Android trace() with logcat

Posted on July 1, 2010 | 1 comment

In my previous post I talked about how to use Flash Builder 4 to debug an AIR application running on an Android device. In this post I will show a poor man’s way of getting trace statements. You have to build the application with debug mode and apk-debug target packaging. Then before you run the application on the your device, connected the device to your desktop with USB debugging turned on. With that all setup run this command:

> android-sdk-path/tools/adb logcat

Now run the application and you should see a bunch of android statements along with your trace statements.

Note: “android-sdk-path” is the path to your Android sdk where the adb executable will be located.

Check out the video of this process in action!

AIR for Android trace() with logcat from Renaun Erickson on Vimeo.