Using Adobe Scout on Mobile without the Scout Companion App

Posted on January 4, 2013 | Comments Off

If you would like to config your mobile AIR applications to send telemetry data to a specific Adobe Scout there is a way to do this without the Adobe Scout companion application. The Adobe Scout companion mobile application or the below steps configures what host and port that the AIR runtime will send telemetry data too. You still have to compile your SWF with an opt-in for the ability to send advanced telemetry data, see this post on enabling this for SWF that are not compiled with the newer asc2 compiler.

The Adobe Scout companion applications, Android and iOS, make it easy to change configuration of the telemetry data without repackaging a config file into each mobile app. I would encourage you to use the companion application, but if you for whatever reason can’t use the Adobe Scout companion mobile application continue reading below.

NOTE: This requires Adobe AIR 3.5 or higher.

In your mobile application project add the file telemetry.cfg at the root of the package. For example, in Flash Builder 4.7 Flex Mobile project I clicked on the src folder. Then right click New -> File and create telemetry.cfg. By default in Flash Builder 4.7 adds this file to the package list of files to be added, if you are doing it at the command line just make sure to add this file to the AIR package.

The file contains various configuration key pair values. Here is a sample file, you will want to change the ip address to your machine that is running Adobe Scout but leave the port the same (unless you have changed that in Adobe Scout):

SamplerEnabled = true
CPUCapture = true
DisplayObjectCapture = false
Stage3DCapture = false

Again setting the different values to true doesn’t mean your application will send that data, it just means that the runtime can send it. You still have to enable the SWF to opt-in to tell the runtime that it wants to send the data, then the runtime checks the config file to see what data is going to actually get sent across the network.