Flex2 and ColdFusion with out “ColdFusion/Flex Connectivity”
In Flex 1.5 we would connect to ColdFusion by setting the amfgateway to “
With Flex2 and AS3 the remoting gateway and other RPC services implementation changed quite drastically. There is a new AMF format and it is called AMF3, where Flex 1.5 and before all used AMF0. The default gateway for ColdFusion’s remoting gateway is “
My post here and work on a AMF0 custom RemoteObject component is not meant to compete with the progress of Flex2 and AS3, but it sure would be nice to have a migration path that was easier to swallow. The RemoteObjectAMF0 custom component I created is showcased in an example using AMFPHP and Cairngorm but it can be used with ColdFusion as well. You can find the RemoteObjectAMF0 code here
Please remember that the RemoteObject does not reflect the full features of Flex 1.5’s RemoteObject, but when implemented in the Cairngorm method it gives you all the functionality you need (hopefully, hehe).
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