
RIALoggerApp – AIR

2009.05.21 Updated RIALoggerApp

This logging application is used for my experiements on logging and log testing. For the latest approach and client logging classes visit Structured Log Testing

How to use

  1. Download and install RIALoggerApp.air
  2. Run RIALoggerApp.air application
  3. Go to http://renaun.com/rialogger/example/LoggerPerformanceTest.html and click on the test buttons.

How to use with your Applications

See Structured Log Testing


  1. Multiple log tabs, defined by application. Allows for multiple instances of an application to be logged easily.
  2. Filter log items by Categroy.
  3. Save logs to a file.
  4. Create TestPoint scripts visually.
  5. Settings panel, set row colors per level, max log items, etc…