AdvancedForm Component

[lang_en] I have updated the AdvancedForm component. Along with the update I have packaged up the swc, docs, source code, and example code for everyone to download. You can find it on Adobe’s Exchange for Flex area or here. The documentation is ASDoc styled and powered by Teoti Graphix :: DocumentFX. Thanks Mike for the...

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Flash will turn the big One Zero (Happy 10th Birthday)

[lang_en] Flash will officially be 10 years young on Wednesday, August 9, 2006. It just happens that it will be around my own birthday. Now I am a little older than 10 years but time sure does fly by. Well I decided to provide a link to one of my first Flash creations. It was an old site for my BMX Dirt Jumping brother. You can find it here! It has sound, dragable menu system (a picture of my bro doing an Indian Flare) and even some stick...

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RemoteObjectAMFO update to latest Cairngorm

[lang_en] The RemoteObjectAMF0 class and sample code have been updated to reflect the latest Cairngorm package. You can find Cairngorm for Flex2 on the site. I will not be packaging Cairngorm with my RemoteObjectAMF0 samples any more. There are now 2 examples in the RemoteObjectAMF0 package. The first is the updated Cairngorm login example (see in action / source). The new example I created is a non-Cairngorm AMFPHP example...

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Flex AMFPHP and VO’s (RemoteObjectAMF0 update)

[lang_en] Thanks to the help of some people on the Flex coders list, I have been able to update the RemoteObjectAMF0 class with some examples of how to use AMFPHP and PHP/AS VO’s. I got this to work with PHP 5.1.1 and PHP 4.3.11. There was a few things that I learned how to do in the process. First was in Flex and AS3 you can define the object type of an ArrayCollection by using [ArrayElementType("com.renaun.samples.vo.BookVO")]. [code...

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Flex default bgcolor is it a color or an image?

[lang_en] By the docs it’s covered by an image, so its a color. Let me explain what I am getting at, I was reading Ted’s post on preloaders. If you download the source and run the code from a new project in Flex Builder 2 you get a background flicker. The flicker I am talking about is the Blue-ish defualt Flex application color. I was trying to figure out how the default blue-ish color background was showing up. As I...

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