Video Conference with Flex & FMS, Live Demo and Source Code

Posted on October 28, 2006 | 30 comments

I wrote an article called “Video Conference with Flex & FMS” for the latest issue of Web Developer’s & Designer’s Journal (Volume 4 Issue 10). This article was available in the printed version of the WDDJ during MAX at the ColdFusion Developer’s Journal booth. I am not sure when the article will be available on’s website.

The article walks you through how to create a video conference application using Flex and Flash Media Server (FMS). I have gone ahead and posted a live working example of the code on my site as well as the source code.

Live Demo
Source Code

  • Jay

    Hey great demo app although I was surprise to find out that even after i Log out of it I still had my camera activity led turned on, so maybe it was still using it. Hope this doesnt mean being logged out still uses up your bandwidth.

  • Renaun Erickson

    I have been monitoring the admin and haven’t seen any rogue streams, it should be good. Thanks for the heads up.

  • Chris

    I really like that app very much. I hate to ask, but could you please consider posting a step by step for how to import the files into Flex? Yes, I am a total Noob – I can make FMS work, but I am having a terrible time with Flex2.

    I would really like to start learning with your project.


  • Renaun Erickson
  • porbista


    Great article!!!

    I tried it but unfortunately i wasnt able to get it to work.. All it did was show me an empty pane after typing in my name and clicking submit.

    Could you give me an idea what may be wrong?

    Tnx a bunch!!!

  • Renaun Erickson

    do you have a WebCam?

  • Matti Kiviharju

    Why you demo did not work some time ago?
    I got error that told there is too much users on line at same time..

    Do you know is there Flex 2 video confrence Red5 version anywhere at internet with BSD or MIT license..

  • sebastian


    Thank you very much for this very helpful source-code. Really useful.

    Just one question:
    I realized that the video-conferencing requires a ridiculous amount of CPU-ressources (up to 60% total CPU with my new macbook pro). I tested it on other computers with different webcams, the same.

    I found out, that it’s not the video, but adding Microphone/Sound support is eating a whopping 60% of my CPU!!

    Does anybody has an idea on how to fix this?


  • Dax

    great job, thanks for sharing sources


  • Syed Hussain

    Hi. Not able to execute the demo. Please let me know what to enter into the Name: text box.

  • Renaun Erickson

    You need a web camera plug in to try it.

  • Dean

    Is your demo still working? When I go to it and enter my name, and select “Submit,” I get absolutely nothing. I have a camera and it’s working.

  • Renaun Erickson

    It is not working at this time.

  • Arun


    Great demo.
    // 2k bytes (or ~16kbps) of bandwidth
    camera.setQuality( 16384 / 4, 0 );

    Is it a 4 k bytes data transfer?
    I have two different reports in my Admin Console( in View Applications-> Clients and Manage Server -> Connections)

  • Pingback: GMan — Adobe, Web video, Flex, Flash Media Server, Webcasting, Flash, ColdFusion, Dreamweaver » Blog Archive » Flex eSeminar Series: Flex Video Integration

  • Rahul J

    Hi Renaun,
    It’s a great demo with source helpful very helpful for me. I am a newbie to Flex communication. I was trying to run the demo against my local Red5 server instead of FMS, but could not make it work.
    Any suggestion?


  • Chris M

    Hi Renaun,

    I am new to Flex & FMS. I have a Windows 2003 server with iis6. How can I get the Video Conference with Flex & FMS to work on that server? I have FMS installed and configured but I can’t get your application to work. What am I missing?


  • jeanphilippe

    Thanks for sharing Renaun :)
    I’m trying to put your flex chat in your Video Conference (in the same appli).
    But i’ve a lot of problems with that.
    have you sources about Video and Chat with People list in the same appli ?
    Thanks a lot

  • magicianzrh

    Thanks for your work.
    But I can’t view the resource in “view” Button

    I imitate your RemoteObjectAMF0 to write RemoteObjectFMS in
    For I can’t find your flex&fms resoure,so i don’t know how you do it,as as3 project or in cairngorm

    If you have some time,sent me an email

  • Pingback: Video Conferencing with Flex and Flash Media Server :

  • http://- Santanu

    Hi, I just tried to install the project in my Flex, and got a lots of ‘Access of undefined property Logger’ error! How could i overcome this problem..?

  • Renaun Erickson

    Grab the renaun_com_Logger.swc off this site or delete all the Logger statements.

  • http://- Santanu

    Hi, I’ve installed the project, copied the main.asc file to my FMS3 Application directory, starts the server, and everytime the running application returns me an error after Name submission – “The number of users has been limited for this demo, please try again in a few minutes. ” .. it seems couldnt able to connect to the server! What I’m missing!?

  • crush

    Hi Renaun,

    I have some strange problem with your program. Everytime a third user is trying to connect, a NetStream.Publish.BadName occurs. In the Adminstration Console a weird stream called “false” is apparent.
    I’m using FMS3 and Flex3.

    Do you have any ideas how to solve this issue?


  • lakshmikanth

    first of all thanks a lot for u r source code Renaun, here i have a doubt , presently we are doing video conferencing in live mode , but if i want to save the videos ie., if i publish in “record” mode then it is giving me error if i record .

    what i mean is i want to do the videoconferencing in “recording” mode , ie ., i want to save all the videos that are published .

    if possible provide with the source code , thank u .

  • lakshmikanth

    hi renanun ,

    thanks for u r gr8 application , but here i have a query which is as follows :

    in your applicatoin ie., videoconferencing if i publish in the “record” mode then for the other person it is giving me error as “NetStream.RecordNoAcess” , why this error is coming how can we overcome this error , if we put in “record ” mode ie., we are storing all the records of the person who have logged in , is this possible with one “netConnection” and one “netStream” object.

    i want to record all the videos of the people who have logged in .

  • Will

    The example works great with my webcam! And the source code is very clean.

    However, when I compile and run the code myself (using flex 3 sdk – flashDevelop), I can’t get it to play my video. I don’t even get a video square. However, I do see that I get a response of “success” back when I trace the netStatusHandler function and try to connect to my own server.

    1.When I substituted my own address where you have your rmtp:/ address (why only one slash instead of rtmp:// ?), Don’t I need to supply a username/password or something in order to publish to my own server? Where do I do this?
    2. Do I have to do anything else besides connect to my own rmtp address?


  • Renaun Erickson

    The one slash tells it to look relative to the domain of the SWF, if you give it two slashes it will take the url as absolute.

    Not sure on the video not playing, make sure you have the write camera etc.. by going to context menu click on settings then the Camera tab. Select the right camera from the drop down then click on the white box to preview. That will at least tell you that Flash Player can recognize your camera and preview what it is seeing.

  • Will

    Thanks for the fast response. Just one more question that I asked above. Doesn’t there need to be a place where I put a password or login info? Otherwise, as long as someone knew the URL of a streaming server, couldn’t anyone just stream their camera to it? Know what I mean?

    For example, this code you gave me has your own personal server URL…? A client of my has an flvhosting that I’m using to test.

  • Renaun Erickson

    You can do a password user name in your Flash Media Server side code and reject invalid authentication. More typically the first thing to stop people is to lock the server application down to a specific url so only SWF’s from a specific url can connect to the, this is done on the server side in the config files.

  • Abdo

    Hello Renaun,
    Is is possible to have 2 clients connect and share streams with the server only helping establish the connection?


    • Renaun Erickson

      Yes using FP 10+ and Stratus