• http://riaevolution.com luchyx

    Excellent renaun.!
    Nice to see you on Adobe. ;)
    Good article to getting started with sabreAMF.


  • http://flex2.blogspot.com/ MichaÅ‚ MaÅ‚aj

    I tried your code on this article on Windows.

    I noticed that code in C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\sabreamf\services\com\renaun\samples\services\UserService.php

    has wrong include

    include_once( "com/renaun/samples/vo/UserVO.php" );

    I change it

    include_once( "C:\\Program Files\\Apache Software Foundation\\Apache2.2\\htdocs\\sabreamf\\services\\com\\renaun\\samples\\vo\\UserVO.php" );

    When I compile your file simple_sabreamf.mxml
    then I have compiled files with information about fault

    RPC Fault: Could not locate class com.renaun.samples.services. UserService

    Whot I do in this situation?
    Probably an error is in


    because PHP on Windows don`t understand this path
    I`m afraid of code in file DataServicesServer.php is valid for Linux not Windows

    Who help me fix it?

  • http://www.renaun.com Renaun Erickson

    These examples where tested on Windows and Linux using Apache and PHP. There is something in your web server configuration that is not allowing it to find the correct path.

    The RPC fault would have to do something with the SabreAMF setup and proper configuration of the services folder under the folder in the webroot.

    source=”com.renaun.samples.services.UserService” is a valid path that SabreAMF knows how to translate to the proper location of the UserService.php file.

    Send me an email off line at renaun at renaun dot com with more details about your sabreamf and PHP installation and where the PHP files from the sample are located.

  • Daniel Summers

    Also having the same problem as Renaun – was there a solution / common culprit?