MGM Grand website makes The edge of Flash list

Posted on November 15, 2006 | 3 comments

Now I am from Vegas and have seen the MGM Grand web site for a while now. I believe its one of the greatest examples of Flash Video, Flash, and HTML. The experience and the navigation all comes together really nicely.

Edge newsletter “The edge of Flash”

Here is the site it self MGM Grand

  • Stephen Beattie

    Wow, that’s a great video. I’ve seen similar concepts before but none with the budget and finesse of this. No expense spared. Gorgeous!

    I do have major reservations about some of the flash interfaces though. Anyone try using the reservation checker in the header? – the calendar is positioned slightly off-screen, hiding the month name and the drop-down goes sideways contrary to what the arrow in the control suggests. Crazy!

    A great video yes, but some bad design decisions really let down the overall experience for me.

    Well worth a look for the video though – thanks for the heads up.

  • Renaun Erickson

    Your right about the calendar up top. After looking at the Edge newsletter some more the same company that did the MGMGrand did the Suzuki site too. That Suzuki site is different to say the least but done fairly well also.

  • Renaun Erickson

    The company that did the work: