Moxie details

Posted on March 6, 2007 | 1 comment

I am sitting in a Flex Team Q/A session here at 360Flex conference. Some interesting details about Moxie release are being discussed. One of the main goals of the next release will be to work on Flex compiler performance.

Will there be a big chabge with Moxie? (like the jump from 1.5 to 2) The answer is no.

a lot of Flex Builder enhancements and framework extras.

The Flex team enjoys seeing what developers are producing.

The new online Photoshop is a Flex app. Adobe has 15-20 internal apps that are using Flex.

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  • Rajesh Bhadra

    Hey I am really waiting for Moxie to be released. Is there any date decided for the launch.I am a big fan of Flex 2.Really eager to see the upcoming features in Flex 3.Any more news on that..Cheers :)

    Keep Flexing ;)