Apple TV and YouTube
I just noticed the blurb on abot Apple TV and being able to view YouTube videos. It says it wont be out til June (coming soon i guess), but it has me thinking. It has me thinking of Adobe Media Player (as known as Philo) or AMP and the future. Adobe Media Player is an Apollo application with many great features for consumers as wells a content providers.
It would be cool to see Apollo runtime make it on to more hardware appliances like Apple TV and see the AMP be the standard way for devlierving the content. Just like what iTunes did for podcasts I see AMP having a big potential to doing the same for Video RSS aggregration. In that light a partnership between Adobe and Apple would be cool. I guess only the future will tell. Either way if we see FLV’s being played on Apple TV and the iPhone maybe really getting a Flash Player 9 on it then we might just be progressing nicely.
So video conversion is at the heart of it: