ITunesMetadataReader using Metaphile

The ITunesMetadataReader application is a very basic AIR example of how to use the new Metaphile project to read out MOV (H.264) file metadata. The source of the project is included in the AIR application, to access it right-click on the application and click view source. The Metaphile project is on google code and now includes an implemented MOVReader as well as an ITunesData class. It might not be the best name for it, but right now the...

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H.264 and Progressive Flash Video, QTIndexSwapper 1.4 update

The QTIndexSwapper v1.4 update is to support AIR v1.0 and a small 64 bit atom size parsing fix. In connection with this update I am speaking at 360Flex Atlanta tomorrow. I’ll be showing how the QTIndexSwapper AIR application works. As well as demonstrating the use of H.264 metadata in the flash player. Not stopping there I went ahead and provide some classes for H.264 binary reading fun. The classes have been committed to a project...

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Would Microsoft uppercut Jumpcut

In all the posts about Microhoo and “what would Microsoft do with XYC properties of Yahoo!” I haven’t seen any mention of one acquisition Yahoo! made a while back. Its Jumpcut. Yahoo! snatched them up for only $150 million, compared that to what Google paid for YouTube. I know its different but I think Jumpcut has a nice feature set and very good usability. They also where one of the first ones out with full blown video...

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