Upcoming Game Conferences I’ll be at

Posted on January 23, 2012 | 3 comments

With the shift of my focus on Flash’s gaming focus it means I get to attend game conferences. Adobe will have a presence at GDC and Flash Game Summit as well as other events through the year. I will be in San Francisco for both Flash Game Summit and GDC.

If you haven’t taken the time to come up to speed on Flash Player’s current useful gaming features and future features check out the stuff below.

Stage3D Desktop (Currently Available)
Stage3D Mobile (Coming Soon)
Epic Unreal demo running in browser through Flash Player
(Flash Player 11.2 Beta) Mouse Lock, Right, & Middle Click
Relaxing the drivers of GPU acceleration feature from 2009 to 2008 (maybe more in future releases)

There will be more information coming out over time, Flash Game Summit and GDC are a great place to come see what Adobe is doing. If you are a game developer and attending one of the conference be sure to come up to me and say hi.

  • http://twitter.com/flexRonin Fuad Kamal

    awesome we will be at GDC too. Look forward to seeing you again.

  • http://profile.yahoo.com/6MBMSZBV5CJLOJ5EEZYZZRMZGQ X

    Renaun, links don’t work.

    • Anonymous

      Thanks two where broken, its fixed now.