Cairngorm Store Example Updated to Cairngorm 2.1
I went ahead and updated the Cairngorm Store example to Cairngorm 2.1. You can find the original example code download on
Get the updated code here.
Here is my short list of changes:
- Changed to mx.rpc.IResponder
- Changed com.adobe.cairngorm.commands.Command to com.adobe.cairngorm.commands.ICommand
- Changed com.adobe.cairngorm.vo.ValueObject to com.adobe.cairngorm.vo.IValueObject
- Deleted result and fault handlers on RemoteObjects components in the Services.mxml file.
- Used Call.addResponder( responder ) instead of resultHandler and faultHandler
- Changed onResult/onFault to result/fault
- Changed getService to getRemoteObject
Along with this update I have been updating the RemoteObjectAMF0 and got it working with the Cairngorm Store example. I’ll package the changes and PHP example up as a separate download, get more details in a future post.
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