Upcoming Game Conferences I’ll be at

With the shift of my focus on Flash’s gaming focus it means I get to attend game conferences. Adobe will have a presence at GDC and Flash Game Summit as well as other events through the year. I will be in San Francisco for both Flash Game Summit and GDC.If you haven’t taken the time to come up to speed on Flash Player’s current useful gaming features and future features check out the stuff below. Stage3D Desktop (Currently...

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Flash Embed Font Unicode Range Generator

First off I am not sure why I haven’t made this before. I have needed this over the years on a couple of projects. If you are embedding strings in an application and you know exactly what characters are being used this will come in handy to save on the SWF size. You can tell Flash what glyphs of a font to embed with the unicodeRange property. Here is an example: [css] @font-face { src: url(“/assets/fonts/Arial.otf”); ...

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Using Flash Builder’s Mobile Workflow with Flash Professional Projects

Flash Professional and Flash Builder both have mobile workflows. If you want to use the mobile workflow of Flash Builder with a Flash Professional project take a look at the video at the end of the post. The basic idea is to use Flash Professional and/or Flash Professional Project type in Flash Builder as the compilers. They compile the swf’s, but do not handle the packaging of the mobile application. Then you create a Flash Builder...

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Building BlackBerry PlayBook Apps with Flash Professional CS5

Note: At some point BlackBerry will come out with support Flash Professional CS5. This article is meant to help those brave developers wanting to build playbook apps with Flash CS5 now. First thing is to note that BlackBerry Tablet OS SDK for AIR comes from BlackBerry and has some API’s that do not work on AIR on the Desktop. If you end up using some of the PlayBook specific API’s you will have to test your applications on the...

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