Using BlackBerry ID in your PlayBook Application

The latest release of the PlayBook’s BlackBerry Tablet OS SDK for AIR provides some new APIs. One of the newer BlackBerry APIs is around getting BlackBerry ID information. You can test the API calls that integrate the PlayBook user’s BlackBerry ID information in your application. This is what it looks like for a user to sign into their BlackBerry ID from the PlayBook simulator (this is a system dialog and developers can’t...

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Using MacBook Pro for AIR/Flash P2P local multicast demos

I show a lot of demos on mobile devices. One of the best ways I have been able to demo applications at conferences with out having great wifi or device overhead projectors is to use a local network from my MacBook Pro. I use this for my P2P local multicast demos like PickQuick as well as other laptop to mobile interactions. Here are the steps I use to make this work:Unplug laptop from any wired networks. Open up System Preferences -> Sharing...

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Developing for both retina and non-retina iOS screens using AIR 2.6

AIR 2.6 provides updates to the old Packager for iPhone (PFI). The packager binary is now part of the normal AIR packaged called adt. The new adt options are just like the old pfi packager options, see below:adt -package -target ( ipa-test | ipa-debug | ipa-app-store | ipa-ad-hoc ) CONNECT_OPTIONS? SIGNING_OPTIONS <output-package> ( FILE_OPTIONS | <input-package> )Screen Resolution and Pixels Per Inch (ppi) When developing you...

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Building BlackBerry PlayBook Apps with Flash Professional CS5

Note: At some point BlackBerry will come out with support Flash Professional CS5. This article is meant to help those brave developers wanting to build playbook apps with Flash CS5 now. First thing is to note that BlackBerry Tablet OS SDK for AIR comes from BlackBerry and has some API’s that do not work on AIR on the Desktop. If you end up using some of the PlayBook specific API’s you will have to test your applications on the...

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AIR for Android trace() with logcat

In my previous post I talked about how to use Flash Builder 4 to debug an AIR application running on an Android device. In this post I will show a poor man’s way of getting trace statements. You have to build the application with debug mode and apk-debug target packaging. Then before you run the application on the your device, connected the device to your desktop with USB debugging turned on. With that all setup run this command:>...

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