Posting from Playstation 3 on Yellow Dog Linux 5.0

To bad there is not a Flash Player 9 for Linux PowerPC distros or I would be coding Flex right now. So I am writing this post on my Playstation 3 using Yellow Dog linux 5.0 (the free version was just released today) as the “Other OS” on the box. The installation process was not that terrible hard. I was not able to install the Flash Player 7 or 9, and am not sure there is any Linux PowerPC Flash Players out there, any one know? I...

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Create Component Instance from Class Name

To promote the newly released Flex Cookbook I am posting here with the title of my lastest Flex Cookbook post. You can find the solution to below question by clicking on the text itself: How do you create a instance of a component at runtime with only the class name? what about when the class name is dynamic it self? Go and post samples, rate posts, or add comments and help make the Flex Cookbook a very good hub of...

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All in One – Cairngorm Store Example (ColdFusion, AMFPHP, AMFPHP 1.9, and WebServices)

I have updated the Cairngorm Store multiple backend example. Along with the updated source code I have deploy a live running example. The 4 backends it supports now is ColdFusion Remoting AMF3, AMFPHP AMF0 using the RemoteObjectAMF0 class, AMFPHP 1.9 AMF3, and ColdFusion WebServices. See it live here! Get the source here! To change the backend of the Cairngorm Store example just select the backend you want from ComboBox and then click on the...

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Labs gets CS3, check out JSEclipse too

The big news of the day is the Adobe Photoshop CS3 beta release on There was also two other updates on labs that are still quite important for Adobe’s engagement platform. Spry is up to prerelease 1.4 and a new addition of JSEclipse. JSEclipse is a new plugin for the Eclipse environment that helps developers code JavaScript faster and with no errors. With JSEclipse, you can complete a variety of tasks, from...

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Flex 2 RolloverImage component

I have created a very basic Flex 2 RolloverImage component that allows you to define the up, over, and down images through CSS. Here is the guts of how to use the class: <mx:Style>   .firstRollover {     upSkin: Embed(source="/assets/arrowGreenUp.png");     overSkin: Embed(source="/assets/arrowBlueUp.png");     downSkin: Embed(source="/assets/arrowBlueDown.png");  ...

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