360Flex Keynote (3rd day)

Experience Design group of Adobe started off the keynote this morning. Tom Hobbs from Adobe Systems started off talking about building experience…taking what we know today and making better. He went over the Amgen Tour of California application that was live just last week. If you haven’t seen the site, check it out at http://amgentourofcalifornia.com. A quick overview, it uses GPS on riders, Flickr photos, Yahoo map interation,...

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2 Flex releases this year Moxie and Borneo

I mentioned Moxie a few posts ago…read about it here. I found out at 360Flex about another code name for then 2nd plan iteration of Flex this year. Yeah I said this year. Lets hope that the plan stays on target. Borneo – what does it stand for? Well its the code name for the next FDS. It will focus on Scalability and Performance, integration with LifeCycle (PDF and document workflow), and they are rewriting WebService from the...

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Moxie details

I am sitting in a Flex Team Q/A session here at 360Flex conference. Some interesting details about Moxie release are being discussed. One of the main goals of the next release will be to work on Flex compiler performance. Will there be a big chabge with Moxie? (like the jump from 1.5 to 2) The answer is no. a lot of Flex Builder enhancements and framework extras. The Flex team enjoys seeing what developers are producing. The new online...

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360Flex “Flex with PHP” Presentation

Currently the 360Flex conference is on it’s second day. More than half over. I had the fun opportunity to be called out of a session to find out that my presentation has been changed from today til tomorrow (Ben Forta flys out tomorrow and needed to switch). The switch doesn’t bother just glad to help. So for those that are wondering it is changed to tomorrow at 2:30pm. I have prepared and some example code based on Tom...

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Philo Comment

Mark Anders mentioned a little about the codenamed Philo release due in the second half of the year. Basically he said it was an Apollo app for Video, also mentioned RSS aggregation. I would love to get more information on this project.

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